Exit The Matrix And Cocreate The New Earth

Welcome Loved One

Abundance is your birthright! You are “ALL THAT IS”, the “CREATOR” of the universe, the “I AM” presence of nature. This isn’t just a philosophical idea, it’s a straight up fact. But since you are reading this I’d say it’s safe to say that you’re already well aware of this truth.

Even though it may be the case, many people who know they create their reality are still challenged with the frequency of limiting beliefs. These programs have been picked up from society as we’ve navigated our way throughout life. If you think about it, before the internet there was minimal access to information by the majority of the population. Which means it has been normal for the average individual to be unaware of their power as an infinite being in carnet.

Those people are our ancestors, and their DNA still makes up the bodies we’ve inherited here in the physical plane. So it’s been common for conscious creators to find it challenging to express and experience their abundant nature in this lifetime. But these limiting beliefs are currently shifting in a huge way which has never been experienced on this planet. We are on the edge of the beginning of a golden age of awareness, Where we are reprograming our genetics through our thoughts and feelings, and we are about to start shining our light on the world for everyone to see.

It’s time to reclaim our inheritance of infinite abundance, and to start being the powerful creators we know deep within ourselves to be. This is why Abundant Manifestation came into existence, to help other conscious creators allow themselves to experience the manifestation of abundance in their lives on a whole new level. If you’ve found expressing and experiencing your abundant nature challenging in the past, then you’re in the right place at exactly the right time. You’re about to step into the higher vibrational version of yourself by implementing the free resources you’ll find on this site, thanks for joining us in this wonderful mission.

Meditate With Us

Every Sunday at 11:11 AM EST we get together and meditate for 1 hour with the intention of raising the frequency of the planet so that all people will transcend the vibration of limitation and experience the abundance that is their birthright. It has been proven that group meditation causes powerful effects on the world when people come together in large numbers. This group is absolutely free and is a great service to humanity. Just message us the word “Abundance” to Join.

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